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When you need answers to your DRG assignment questions, turn to this truly comprehensive resource that works efficiently and effectively with the DRG Expert.

DRG Desk Reference - 2006

When you need answers to your DRG assignment questions, turn to this truly comprehensive resource that works efficiently and effectively with the DRG Expert. Our experts have created this desk reference to provide practical advice on every issue from auditing to organisms that indicate CC conditions - essential strategies for improved DRG assignment practices. A must-have resource for anyone who assigns DRGs or audits claims for inpatient cases! Ingenix Edge - The Right Tool for Improving DRG Assignment Practices. This comprehensive resource provides you with all the crucial information to establish proven DRG assignment and auditing practices. Be confident in your DRG coding practices from the first step to the final step. Ingenix Edge - Potential DRG Listing for Optimal Reimbursement. Each DRG is listed with all potential DRG choices to ensure optimal payment. To ensure compliance, the major factors involved in moving a patient from a lower-paying DRG to a higher one are discussed. Ingenix Edge - Top ICD-9-CM Codes for Each Potential DRG for Optimizing Reimbursement. To help you optimize reimbursement, the book lists the top ICD-9-CM diagnosis and procedure codes that affect DRG assignment for quick audit reference. Ingenix Edge - Tips for the Encoder User. Many decisions faced by coders using grouper software, or an encoder, have significant impacts on the final DRG assigned by the grouper. Tips are provided on how to avoid making the wrong decisions. Exclusive - DRG Assignment Tutorial. The inpatient PPS is a complex system. This tutorial will explain the DRG assignment process in clear and understandable language. Exclusive - Drug Usage and Treatment Indicators. Help coders locate the drug, determine the action, and know the indications for the use of common drugs. Exclusive - Key Abstracting Field Items. An in-depth look at the significance of key abstracting fields for DRG assignment and the impact on reimbursement. Exclusive - Durable Medical Equipment. Dispensing of certain durable medical equipment to patients may indicate the presence of CCs affecting DRG assignment. Exclusive - Noninvasive Diagnostic Test Outcomes. Listing the most frequently ordered noninvasive diagnostic tests and the common conditions found as the outcome of the tests. Exclusive - Abnormal EKG Findings. Reveal abnormal EKG graph signs and symptoms that indicate CC conditions. Exclusive - Abnormal Laboratory Values. Lists of batteries of lab tests and the conditions indicated, signs and symptoms, and common treatment modalities.

Price: $199.95
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