Fast Finders make frequently used codes available on double-sided, laminated -cheat sheets- to speed coding for frequently performed procedures. Each Fast Finder contains more than 275 CPT codes with shortened descriptions based...
CPT FastFinders for 2006
Fast Finders make frequently used codes available on double-sided, laminated -cheat sheets- to speed coding for frequently performed procedures. Each Fast Finder contains more than 275 CPT codes with shortened descriptions based on actual frequencies for that specialty.
New! - Updated with 2006 CPT Codes. Prevent denials by using the most up-to-date codes.
Ingenix Edge - Anatomical Illustrations. Specialty-specific illustrations help you verify the best code selection.
Ingenix Edge - Choose From 29 Specialties. More specialties means more codes for you to choose from.
Arranged Alphabetically. Allows user to quickly locate codes by common descriptions.
Created by Clinical and Records Specialists. Code sets are accurate, appropriate and comprehensive.
Instant Portability. These two-sided sheets are sized to slip easily into your code book for convenient storage.
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.