Medicaid Prescription Pads, Medicaid Rx Pads, Medicaid Tamper Resistant Prescriptions, CMS-1500 Forms, HCFA 1500 Forms, HCFAs, CMS-1500 Forms, Clinical Forms, Rx Pads, Prescription Pads, Medical Forms, Dental Forms, Medical Office Supplies, HCFA Envelopes, HIPAA Forms, Patient Charts, Medical Office Filing Supplies,


100 Per Pad, 1 Part Prescription Pads For Healthcare Provider i

(1 Part) Single Sheet Tamper-Resistant Rx-Pads.

Our high security prescription pads offer the latest fraud prevention technologies available and exceed the requirements as currently set forth by any state Board of Pharmacy. Tamper resistant background ink shows attempts to alter script by patient. Hidden security “VOID” appears when photocopied. Copy resistant security pantograph discourages duplication by high end Thermochromatic ink box shows "SECURE" when rubbed or heated. All secure scripts have a high security watermark on reverse side which cannot be copied and can only be seen when held at an angle to a light source. MicroPrint Security Borders: minute printing of a security message along the edges of a pad that fill in to form a slid line when digitally scanned or xerographically copied; also used in printing US currency. Reverse printed RX (lighter colored) in upper corners of pad drop out when photocopied to appear white. Each order has an individual numeric identifier so lost or stolen prescription pads can be invalidated. Each sheet is sequentially numbered for internal and state-mandated record keeping. Security features warning bands on front of script detail security features. Penetrating magnetic ink is used to print your information on the script preventing chemical “lifting” of information during forgery.

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  (1 Part) Single Sheet Tamper-Resistant Rx-Pads. - 100 Per Pad, 1 Part Prescription Pads For Healthcare Provider i
  (2 Part) Duplicate Sheet Tamper-Resistant SECURE Rx-Pads - 50 Per Pad, 2 Part Prescription Pads For Healthcare Providers


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